Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Poke Into Wormholes

This weekend, I got bored of mining and decided to poke around the various chat channels available.  Most of them were quiet with few people (the mining channel being a tremendous exception), but I did get a response from a few people in the wormhole channel.  Two of them, s1had and Akia Ahishatsu, were more than willing to share their exotic experiences in the risky business of exploring wormholes.

Both Akia and s1had agreed that 5 things were necessary for running regular wormhole ops:

1. A POS anchored in the wh.
2. A team of very skilled, very experienced players.
3. Rorqual and Orca Support.
4. Strong PvP supporting your miners.
5. Good intelligence gathering (scanning, locating wh connections, etc.)

They each had different methods of running ops, and different standards on what they believed was safe.

For example, s1had said that a team of at least 7 experienced players were necessary for running wh ops, though more would definitely help.  However, Akia, who seemed much more protective of her wormhole, said that it would take a corp of at least 50 members, 25 of whom are active daily, to be able to not only run ops, but also effectively defend your POS in a wh.

Akia stressed the importance of scanning as well:

Akia Ahishatsu > you scan the wh systems down maybe 4 times a day
Akia Ahishatsu > everyday
Akia Ahishatsu > its a must
Akia Ahishatsu > always on d scan
Akia Ahishatsu > ususally
Akia Ahishatsu > you take deffense in an offense manner in a wh

When it came down to running ops, they both mentioned that a proper mining op technique looked something like this:

- Hulks with cheap mining fits in the belts.
- Rorqual (preferred by s1had) or Orca sitting behind the POS force field.
- Itty Vs hauling between miners and Orca/Rorq.
- 3 or 4 PvP guards with Hulks.

s1had also suggested not refining ore before you ship it out of the wh.  Instead, he said it was more effective to compress it in a Rorqual if possible, then ship it.  Otherwise, you have to deal with poor refining of POSs.

In addition to defending the wh itself, the two suggested using scouts to chart a course for a safe entry into a highsec system near a trading hub.  s1had said that its not unusual for there to be 6 jumps from a good wh to a highsec system.

CEO Guide > when you do ship it out, just load it onto some indys and hope you come out near a tradehub?  or do you do a lot of scouting before hand?
S1had > u need scouts
S1had > it depends which wh u live in
S1had > c1 - c2 got standard high sec entries
S1had > c3- c4 got low sec
S1had > c5 -c6 got only openings in 0.0 sec and sometimes in another whs where u can with some luck go a straight route to a high sec opening
S1had > example: c6 -> c5 -> c5 -> c4 -> c2 -> high sec
S1had > this is a route which can occure
S1had > and sometimes if u are fkn lucky u can hhave a route like this c6 -> high sec
CEO Guide > lol, how often does that happen?
S1had > well... depends on ur luck^^

While mucking about in wormholes is a bit more dangerous and complicated than being good little pod pilots in highsec, both of our experts agreed the work is worth it for the reward.

CEO Guide > lol, so im guessing the higher class systems have better stuff in them, too?
S1had > let me say it this way... in a c6 with a good 7 men team u can farm 20mrds in 2 weaks
S1had > and i just talk about the salvage loot not on the part where u maximazie ur win ratio with producing t3 ships

Finally, although I ended our interviews satisfied, before I hopped-off Akia thought I could use a bit of advice.  I admit, I felt ashamed at my inexperience with wormholes, but I was not fool enough to listen to advice.

She told me of an apparently well-known corp called Rooks and Kings who have several videos on youtube about their endeavors in W-space.

I'll post the link to the videos, along with a few other useful links for wh activities, below:





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